
50 Tips Before Playing OverWatch!

I'm one of the many that didn't get access to the Beta yet (or the stress test weekend!), but I decided to put together as many tips that I could possibly find to help players that are planning on playing the game this weekend, who have been playing the game, or plan to the game in the future. I've watched streams quite a bit over the past few weeks, but so I hope at least some of my information is useful. Here's what I've come up with so far! General Tips: 1.)  One of the most important things you can and need to do in Overwatch is:  KILL THE SUPPORT.  It's something that I've noticed on a lot of streams that people forget to do, or do not re-evaulate in the middle of a firefight. There is a chance you'll be able to do just enough damage to finish a player off if you were skirmishing with them before hand, but in most situations it is paramount to defeat the player that is going to support THAT guy and the rest of his team back up to full healt